Equine Service & Organization in Stephenville

Equine Service & Organization in Stephenville

Animal Registries Of America is an animal registry organization offering registration opportunities to a variety of species including bovine, canine, feline, swine, goat, sheep, and exotics, but with a primary focus on equines. We are a nonprofit organization, providing registration services in a convenient and affordable manner. Within this organization, we offer 2 different ‘’books” or registries: The American DNA Registry and The American Quarter Horse Registry. We also offer other DNA testing and incentive programs. Located in Proctor, we are just a stone’s throw away from Stephenville, the Cowboy Capital of the World. To learn more about everything we do, you can drop by or give us a ring at (254) 592 - 7827.

Contact Us

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(254) 592-7827

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[email protected]